Most normal , the most reliable and the most just from the point of view of fundamental science theory
- Zvukovolnovaya theory of gravity.
- No more attraction ... V. Meladze and VIA Gra .
Home . At present, the fundamental science is experiencing insurmountable difficulties of principle in an attempt to or - another way to justify the existence of the gravitational field and the mechanism of the gravitational interaction between material bodies . Moreover, it is the gravitational interaction between material bodies is at a distance , which can be considered practically endless . At the same time , being the weakest of the known fields , the gravitational field exerts a powerful force on the huge mass. This raises a number of questions - what are the true physical origin of the gravitational field ? Where did the gravitational field is constantly feeds energy , possessing and through which it can operate with such huge masses ? What is the physical carrier of the gravitational field in the vacuum of space ? What is the physical nature of the gravitational field itself ? What is the physical mechanism of the effect of the gravitational field on the physical body ?
These issues - only a small part of the issues on which modern fundamental science can not answer . And so - forget all that you have heard about gravity before start reading it here , very much abridged version of a fundamentally new - Zvukovolnovoy theory of gravity. A radically new theory of gravity Zvukovolnovaya is because any of the possible cases of the gravitational interaction in the universe rests solely on this theory, real-world physical forces of repulsion - pushing .
Therefore, applying the legitimate consequences of this theory , we can quite rightly , given the known fundamental laws to explain:
1. The cause of the gravitational field.
2 . The reason for the existence of the gravitational field.
3 . The cause of the impact of the gravitational field on matter .
4 . The reason why the matter had to forcibly ( tautology there , he tried it ) to obey the influence of the gravitational field .
5 . The cause of the forced convergence of material bodies are always in accordance with the formula universal law of gravitation Newton . For example - the sheer fall of an apple with a known acceleration on the Earth's surface .
Besides the fact that this issue - the bottomless depth and meaning, it is like a punch in the gut - not modern science has an answer to it .
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